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The availability and occurrence of surface and ground water are important to all water users. These resources are often in short supply, and occasionally, in excess supply. Short supplies are of concern to water suppliers charged with providing uninterrupted water service to customers, and also to recreational water users who depend on water to keep streams and reservoirs at usable levels. Excess water supplies affect land uses in flood prone areas and in areas where the water table is shallow.

SWE provides services to analyze the occurrence of surface and ground water. SWE's experience includes the use of statistical techniques to analyze hydrological records including climatological, streamflow and water level data. SWE has developed estimates of streamflows and climatological data using various analytical techniques when necessary due to limited hydrological data.

Spronk Water Engineers, Inc.
1000 N Logan Street
Denver, Colorado, 80203-3011
Phone: (303) 861-9700  |  Fax: (303) 861-9799