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Dale E. Book, P.E.
Principal Water Resources Engineer and Co-F
ounder of SWE

B.S., Civil Engineering, University of Illinois, 1976
M.S., Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, 1980

Mr. Book has more than 30 years experience as a consulting civil engineer, specializing in water resources and water rights engineering. He is registered as a professional engineer in Colorado and Kansas. Mr. Book manages projects involving water supply planning, water rights and surface water systems. Projects involve developing and managing water supplies within the prior appropriation water rights system for a variety of public and private clients with municipal, irrigation and industrial water uses. His experience includes water rights evaluations, hydrology, hydrologic modeling and evaluation of surface water systems. Many projects include determination of impacts of existing or proposed water projects on basin water supply and existing water users. Technical specialties include water supply system planning, river basin modeling, hydrologic analysis, reservoir operation, aquifer/stream interaction, and irrigation systems. He has extensive experience with water rights administration of western rivers and has completed numerous projects for changes of water rights and plans for augmentation in Colorado. He also specializes in evaluation of irrigation systems, including hydraulics, crop water use, water demands and system design.

Mr. Book has served state, local and federal clients in other states, including New Mexico, Idaho, Oregon, Kansas and Montana on a variety of projects related to river system operations and impacts. Projects have included river modeling, evaluation of irrigation systems and determination of available supplies. He is experienced in operations of federal reservoir and water supply projects. Mr. Book has extensive experience as an expert witness on behalf of applicants and objectors in District Court Water Divisions 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 (Colorado),  Office of Administrative Hearings in State of Oregon (Oregon), and the U.S. Supreme Court.

Mr. Book has consulted as an expert on several interstate compact matters, including the Arkansas River, Republican River, Rio Grande, Canadian and Yellowstone Rivers. These projects have involved evaluation of compact allocations, compact compliance and impact of new water projects within available allocations. He has provided expert witness testimony to the U. S. Supreme Court in original action compact cases and served as engineering advisor on compact matters to various state agencies.

Mr. Book was a co-founder of the firm in 1984. As a principal in the firm, he is responsible for project management and coordination with clients and water supply agencies for managing water supplies.

Spronk Water Engineers, Inc.
1000 N Logan Street
Denver, Colorado, 80203-3011
Phone: (303) 861-9700  |  Fax: (303) 861-9799