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Logan Well Users
Client: Logan Well Users
Water Resources Engineering - Plan for Augmentation, Change of Water Rights
Logan Well Users, Inc. ("LWU") was formed in 2003 by well users along the South Platte River in Water District 64 for the purposes of acquisition and distribution of water, adjudication of wells, and development and operation of a plan for augmentation. The members of LWU own wells, located primarily in Logan County, which are tributary to the South Platte River. From 1972 until 2002, the net depletions of the wells were augmented pursuant to Substitute Water Supply Plans obtained annually from the State Engineer by the Groundwater Appropriators of the South Platte River Basin, Inc. ("GASP").

SWE provided engineering services to LWU to support LWU's application for water rights, change of water rights, and approval of a plan for augmentation. LWU's application sought new water rights for six recharge projects, new water rights for 12 recharge wells and 49 augmentation wells, a change of water rights for Logan-Prewitt acre rights and shares in the Farmers Pawnee, South Platte, Schneider and Springdale Ditches. The plan for augmentation included 312 wells to be augmented.

The work performed by SWE included performing a historical consumptive use analysis for the ditches for which a change of use was sought in the application for use as a replacement source in the LWU augmentation plan. Irrigation consumptive use was computed for the LWU member wells and the effect on the South Platte River was determined by lagging the depletions using Glover AWAS methodology. The availability of recharge credits from the recharge projects was analyzed. SWE developed the plan for augmentation that replaces depletions from recharge, credits from ditch bypass, and releases of Prewitt storage water, and includes terms and conditions to protect vested water rights. SWE assisted in negotiations with objectors, and a decree was awarded by the Water Court. SWE has also assisted LWU in preparing any necessary Substitute Water Supply Plans.

Spronk Water Engineers, Inc.
1000 N Logan Street
Denver, Colorado, 80203-3011
Phone: (303) 861-9700  |  Fax: (303) 861-9799